7 foods good for hyperlipidaemia

  1. Shiitake mushrooms – Contains 16 Amino acid and 7 of them are essential amino acids, which our body cannot synthesize.
  2. Eggplant – Lots of Vitamin P which removes stickiness in blood.
  3. Cucumber – Lots of fiber and boost detox. Also filters cholesterol during digesting
  4. Mung bean – Lowering fat in blood and good for heart. Bung bean pan cake might be a good food. h12049011_z
  5. Garlic – The other bad cholesterol other than LDL is triglyceride (so called TG and TAG). Garlic has a direct effect to reduce TG and also good for heart health. Highly recommended!
  6. Onion – reduce the risk of heart attack
  7. Peanuts – Lots of unsaturated fat – reduce the risk of heart attack. And Vitamin E supposed to help improve blood circulation.

Please eat well.

8 lifestyle changes to manage LDL level

We will work this together like before. Like what you are doing for me. Cause no matter what it’s better together (lesson’s learns in hard way)…

  1. Reduce your stress – one of the root cause for every thing. This article might be helpful for us.
  2. Eat small and eat often – avoid eating too much, eating too late and eating oily food
  3. No drinks – oops
  4. Regular exercise – fast walking is the best. Daily exercise to burn 300 – 500 Kcal is the minimum. Fast walking is always better than running or slow walking.
  5. Eat more fibers! – vegetables with high fibers
  6. No salty food
  7. Vegetable based oils
  8. Avoid too much carb – White rice, noodles (especially wheat basis), potato basis and sugar, and those cookies or cakes, drinks (soda) or even sweet fruits

*Ciggy is something not even worth to mention so not including here.

Eat well, sleep well and laugh more!